A comparison between electromyography and anal endosonography in mapping external anal sphincter defects


Law Penelope J.,Kamm M. A.,Bartram C. I.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Gastroenterology,General Medicine

Reference4 articles.

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1. Assessing Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries;Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine;2023-03-14

2. Anal incontinence;Comprehensive Gynecology;2022

3. Normal Endosonographic Features of the Anal Canal in Children;Ano-Rectal Endosonography and Manometry in Paediatrics;2022

4. Endoanal Ultrasonography: Use in Adults;Ano-Rectal Endosonography and Manometry in Paediatrics;2022

5. Common Tests for the Pelvic Floor;The ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery;2021-11-21








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