Sexuality and Sexual Orientation in the Twenty-First Century


Simonelli Chiara,Galizia Roberta,Eleuteri Stefano


AbstractSexual orientation has been the subject of study by scientists for over a century. If in the past the scientific interest revolved around the question of “nature or nurture,” the current theories of sexology, which are placed in a sociological, biological, psychological, and social perspective, recognize the multifactorial nature of sexual orientation. However, although there have been socio-cultural and scientific advances with respect to different forms of sexual identity, heteronormativity is widespread in the clinical setting, in research and in society as a whole. People belonging to the LGBQ community are still victims of stigma, violence, and discrimination. Studies that integrate biological, psychological, and socio-relational factors are needed to deepen the idea that not all people develop sexual orientation along an identical path. The integration of a sex-positive approach and a biopsychosocial one among health professionals remains an important goal to be achieved in order to reduce discrimination against sexual minorities, the emotional consequences, and monetary costs on health services that can derive from it.


DBI S.r.l.


Springer International Publishing

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