Increase of serum uric acid levels associated with APOE ε2 haplotype: a clinico-genetic investigation and in vivo approach


Ogura Masatsune,Toyoda YuORCID,Sakiyama Masayuki,Kawamura YusukeORCID,Nakayama AkiyoshiORCID,Yamanashi Yoshihide,Takada TappeiORCID,Shimizu Seiko,Higashino Toshihide,Nakajima Mayuko,Naito Mariko,Hishida Asahi,Kawai Sayo,Okada Rieko,Sasaki Makoto,Ayaori Makoto,Suzuki Hiroshi,Takata Koki,Ikewaki Katsunori,Harada-Shiba Mariko,Shinomiya NariyoshiORCID,Matsuo HirotakaORCID


AbstractElevated serum uric acid (SUA)—hyperuricemia—is caused by overproduction of urate or by its decreased renal and/or intestinal excretion. This disease, which is increasing in prevalence worldwide, is associated with both gout and metabolic diseases. Several studies have reported relationships between apolipoprotein E (APOE) haplotypes and SUA levels in humans; however, their results remain inconsistent. This prompted us to investigate the relationship between APOE polymorphisms and SUA levels. Our subjects were 5,272 Japanese men, premenopausal women, and postmenopausal women. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed the ε2 haplotype of APOE to be independently associated with higher SUA in men (N = 1,726) and postmenopausal women (N = 1,753), but not in premenopausal women (N = 1,793). In contrast, the ε4 haplotype was little related to SUA levels in each group. Moreover, to examine the effect of Apoe deficiency on SUA levels, we conducted animal experiments using Apoe knockout mice, which mimics ε2/ε2 carriers. We found that SUA levels in Apoe knockout mice were significantly higher than those in wild-type mice, which is consistent with the SUA-raising effect of the ε2 haplotype observed in our clinico-genetic analyses. Further analyses suggested that renal rather than intestinal underexcretion of urate could be involved in Apoe deficiency-related SUA increase. In conclusion, we successfully demonstrated that the ε2 haplotype, but not the ε4 haplotype, increases SUA levels. These findings will improve our understanding of genetic factors affecting SUA levels.


the national cerebral and cardiovascular center

japan society for the promotion of science

the ministry of defense of japan

the kawano masanori memorial foundation for promotion of pediatrics

the gout and uric acid foundation of japan

ministry of education, culture, sports, science and technology


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Cancer Research,Cell Biology







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