Construction of an educational booklet for people with asthma


Magalhães Bianca MagalhãesORCID,Carolina Barbosa Souza Santos ,Gabriela Pimentel Pinheiro das Chagas ,Ana Carla Carvalho Coelho ,Carolina de Souza-Machado ,Álvaro Augusto Souza da Cruz Filho


Aim: To report the development of an educational booklet for adult patients with asthma. Methods: Experience report on the development of an educational booklet, from March to July 2019, considering four main steps: i) survey of topics necessary for an adequate management of asthma, ii) literature review, iii) elaboration of the educational booklet in dialogue format and iv) review and printing of the material. Results: The educational booklet entitled “Tenho asma, e agora? (I have asthma, what now?)” contains 32 pages and 11 topics that address the concept of the disease, triggering factors, use of medications and inhaler devices, symptoms and action plan in case of an exacerbation. The development of this educational technology required the team to review the literature based on scientific evidence, interdisciplinary articulation, creativity and active listening until reaching the final product. Conclusion: The construction of educational booklets should value clinical practice, users' doubts and identifiable language among users. Educational booklets contribute to better health outcomes.


International Journal for Innovation Education and Research


General Medicine

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1. Another case of preventable death from asthma;Journal of Asthma;2023-07-17







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