The condition of mimic and masticatory muscles in elderly people with complete tooth loss who use complete removable prostheses (CRPs)


Nespryadko V., ,Bohatyrova D.,


Resume. Masticatory and facial muscles are an integral part of the gnathological system. Their coordinated work ensures synchronous operation of the chewing apparatus, swallowing functions, and speech. The functional state of the muscles of the maxillofacial area is interconnected and interdependent with the work of the TMJ. But over time, a person loses teeth, of course, all this affects the coordination, condition and work of the chewing muscles. Of particular interest is the work of the masticatory and mimic muscles in the age group after 75 years in people who have been using complete removable prostheses(CRPs) for a considerable time, against the background of pronounced processes of atrophy of the maxillofacial area. During this time, the structural elements of the CRPs change, prostheses wear out, and the height of the bite changes significantly. Clinical studies prove that masticatory and facial muscles take part in the maintenance of the CRPs during the functions of the oral cavity. In such conditions, these muscles are constantly in a state of adaptation to those changes that occur with the chewing apparatus. One of the indicators of the condition of the masticatory muscles is their bioelectric activity. Keywords: electromyography, coefficient k, bioelectric activity, bioelectric rest, temporal muscle, masseter muscle, orb muscle, mandible, bioelectric activity of muscles, complete removable prostheses(CRPs).


Suchasna Stomatolohiya


General Medicine

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