
Chandra Jagdish1,Bhandari Krishna Kumar2


1. MBBS, MS (General Surgery), Associate Professor, Dept of Surgery, Darbhanga Medical College, Darbhanga, Bihar.

2. MBBS,PG ResidentFinalYear, GeneralSurgery, Darbhanga Medical College, Darbhanga, Bihar.


INTRODUCTION: Keloid is a common wound healing disorder encountered in post surgery, burn and even minor injury such as ear piercing. The greatest morbidity in treatment of keloid is its high chances of recurrence post surgery. It creates a great challenge in the management of keloid. Following any trauma and surgery, the wound healing generally takes place and is completed by 6-12 months. In some patients this process is delayed and extends beyond 1 year and the excess scar formation occurs. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: There are different modalities for the treatment of keloid. None of these modalities provides 100% efcacy in managing lesions. Different modalities have highly varying efcacy among themselves. So the objective of this study is to compare the efcacy of Intralesional Triamcinolone and topical silicon gel in management of keloid. METHODOLOGY: Sixty patients of keloid attending the outpatient Department of Surgery, Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital, Laheriasarai; Darbhanga, Bihar, constituted the source of data for a period of 2 years from January 2019 to December 2020. This study included two different treatment regimens with 30 patients in each group. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS: the students constituted the maximum number of cases i.e 38.3 % followed by housewife 30.0% ,farmers 18.3%, labouerer 6.7%, others 6.7%. respectively. however the occupation in the prevalence of disease is not signicant (p value >0.05). In majority of patients the duration of lesion was between 1 and 2 years (65 %) followed by <1 years (23.33%). Minimum number of patients were in >2 years (11.67 %) of duration. The range of duration of lesions was 6 months to 2.5 years. SUMMARYAND CONCLUSION: The both modalities of treatment was more effective in treating smaller size and shorter duration of lesion than massive keloids. Thus keloids are more common in female , over the prestrernal region and mostly present in third decade of life. Both Intralesional Triamcinolone and Topical silicon gel are effective in treating keloid with minimal side effective. Relatively better responses was seen with using Intralesional Trimacinolone than silicon gel. But silicon gel had advantage that it can used by patient itself and lesser frequency of hospital visits for administration.


World Wide Journals

Reference10 articles.

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