Veterans Affairs Cooperative Study on Glycemic Control and Complications in Type II Diabetes (VA CSDM): Results of the feasibility trial


Abraira Carlos1,Colwell John A1,Nuttall Frank Q1,Sawin Clark T1,Nagel Nancy Johnson1,Comstock John P1,Emanuele Nicholas V1,Levin Seymour R1,Henderson William1,Lee Hae Sook1,


1. Department of Veterans Affairs Cooperative Studies Program Hines, Illinois


OBJECTIVE It is not clear whether intensive pharmacological therapy can be effectively sustained in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). The relative risks and benefits of intensive insulin therapy in NIDDM are not well defined. Accordingly, we designed a feasibility study that compared standard therapy and intensive therapy in a group of NIDDM men who required insulin due to sustained hyperglycemia. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS A prospective trial was conducted in five medical centers in 153 men of 60 ± 6 years of age who had a known diagnosis of diabetes for 7.8 ± 4 years. They were randomly assigned to a standard insulin treatment group (one morning injection per day) or to an intensive therapy group designed to attain near-normal glycemia and a clinically significant separation of glycohemoglobin from the standard arm. A four-step plan was used in the intensive therapy group along with daily self-monitoring of glucose: 1) an evening insulin injection, 2) the same injection adding daytime glipizide, 3) two injections of insulin alone, and 4) multiple daily injections. Patient accrual and adherence, glycohemoglobin (HbA1c), side effects, and measurements of endpoints for a prospective long-term trial were assessed. RESULTS Accrual goals were met, mean follow-up time was 27 months (range 18–35 months), and patients kept 98.6% of scheduled visits. After 6 months, the mean HbA1c in the intensive therapy group was at or below 7.3% and remained 2% lower than the standard group for the duration of the trial. Most of the decrease in the mean HbA1c in the intensive group was obtained by a single injection of evening intermediate insulin, alone or with daytime glipizide. By the end of the trial, 64% of the patients had advanced to two or more injections of insulin a day, aiming for normal HbA1c. However, only a small additional fall in HbA1c was attained. Severe hypoglycemia was rare (two events per 100 patients per year) and not significantly different between the groups, nor were changes in weight, blood pressure, or plasma lipids. There were 61 new cardiovascular events in 40 patients and 10 deaths (6 due to cardiovascular causes). CONCLUSIONS Intense stepped insulin therapy in NIDDM patients who have failed glycemic control on pharmacological therapy is effective in maintaining near-normal glycemic control for > 2 years without excessive severe hypoglycemia, weight gain, hypertension, or dyslipidemia. Cardiovascular event rates are high at this stage of NIDDM. A long-term prospective trial is needed to assess the risk-benefit ratio of intensified treatment of hyperglycemia in NIDDM patients requiring insulin.


American Diabetes Association


Advanced and Specialized Nursing,Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism,Internal Medicine







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